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We Are Awesome Folow Us
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individual design


We start our work with the meeting with you, with your concept and design, cuisine and of course with the Chef. We discuss our goals, the menu, the serving, we set up a list of shapes and color layout. 


And we drown ourselves in work. Adjusting the technology is the most difficult stage for us, and after we are finished with it we are ready to give you a set of samples for testing. 


After the testing we meet with you for the third time and discuss in details the shapes, colours and make adjustments. 

We get back to work and make a usable set of samples. We finalize everything, sign the contract and start the manufacturing process. 


The production of a batch of dinnerware in the quantity of 1000 pieces will take one month. Such term is due to the manufacturing technology.  Reducing the manufacturing time is possible if your order contains positions that are in our warehouse. And don’t forget that we work with the warehouse balance.  


Every piece of dinnerware is carefully packed and delivered to the carrier company. We supervise all the process of the delivery arrangements. The goods will be palletized even if it is just a couple of packages. The deliveries to distant regions are made by specialized carrier companies from Moscow.


And here it comes.. the restaurant opening and joy for your guests.